Art as a Spiritual Practice

Lent started a couple weeks ago. For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s 40 days where Catholics (and I know for sure Lutheran, but I don’t know so much about other sects of Christianity), commemorate the 40 days Jesus was in the desert. We usually give up something (typically something dietContinue reading “Art as a Spiritual Practice”

Coffee with Art: How to Let Go of Anger

Without going into too much detail, I did not have the best day yesterday. This morning, I was angry knowing I was going to have to go back to things that were causing me grief and wasn’t sure if I’d be able to handle it. It was at this moment I decided to stop watchingContinue reading “Coffee with Art: How to Let Go of Anger”

Coffee with Art: Inner Strength is Hard

Well, over these last three days, these paintings have been a nice little bit of therapy. I really enjoyed making them. Tomorrow, I’m going to make a dog with a wolf’s shadow. Maybe a caterpillar with a butterfly’s shadow, and I’ve even thought about making a pig with a wild boar’s shadow. Like I saidContinue reading “Coffee with Art: Inner Strength is Hard”

Coffee with Art: Inner Strength

Glad to see many of you liked my Baby Yoda watercolor. I gave it to Mr. Meyer… not sure what he did with. *Gasp!* Maybe he took it to work! That way Baby Yoda is always inspiring him at work! ^_^ The things that went through my crazy head: I was going to title this,Continue reading “Coffee with Art: Inner Strength”

Coffee and Art: Trees

Topic: Art Therapy Have you ever loved something, only to have it ruined beyond repair just because someone used it to hurt you, maybe without realizing it? Maybe there was a purity test factor- someone verbally and psychologically abusing you- calling them out on it, and having them say, “well you just don’t love [example]Continue reading “Coffee and Art: Trees”

When Inspiration Becomes Torment

For a long time, I thought inspiration was a less important aspect of art- and maybe on some level, I still kind of believe that. But I realize now that maybe that might further from the truth than I thought. Sure, I still believe that art is a skill that needs to be practiced, honed,Continue reading “When Inspiration Becomes Torment”

Don’t Let A Bad Week Ruin Your Weekend

I’m sure you’ve had a terrible day, or a string of days at work. It wasn’t a single event that caused your stress and grief, not necessarily, but things going wrong just little by little. All the while, you’re getting more and more distressed without even having realized it. It doesn’t really matter what itContinue reading “Don’t Let A Bad Week Ruin Your Weekend”